Good Agricultural Practices for Carrot crop

Good Agricultural Practices for Carrot crop


Carrot is related to celery, celeriac, coriander, fennel, parsnip and parsley, which are all members of one family. Carrots are particularly rich in carotene (pro-vitamin A). They are consumed either fresh, as a salad crop, or cooked.

Carrot1 Snack

 Climate and Soil:

 Temperatures 10°C to 25°C, grown throughout the year, except in very cold areas and very hot areas difficult to achieve good establishment.

  • Deep, well-drained, well-prepared soil of a loose, friable structure, sandy loam or loam soils
  • pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is regarded as optimum for carrot production.
  • Very sensitive acidic and salinity, and brackish soils should be avoided.

 Land preparation: Weed free - fine tilth by thorough ploughing 2 - 3 times, with deep plough. To a depth of at least 30 cm is important to allow good root development.

 Seed treatment be soaked in Treat 50 gm + Bactosan 20 gm  + Humic Acid [Humesol] 100 mL per kg of seeds [mixture before sowing]. This will avoid the soil borne diseases like damping off, wilts and root rots of mustard crop. + +

Seed treatment

 Manuring: at the time of land preparation

  • Apply well rotten farm yard manure / compost @ 8 -10 t/acre,
  • 10 kg of Humic acids granules [Ecohume Gr].


 Sowing times

  • Cold areas (heavy frosts)--- August – March
  • Warm areas (light frosts) ---- January - November
  • Hot areas (no frost) ---- February - September

 Seeding rates : Seed at 4 to 7 kg per acre and preferably 6 – 7 cm from seed to seed and in case of broad casting the plants should be 8-9 cm away from each in order to provide proper spacing after thinning.  Seed depth should be 0.5 to 1 cm.

Note: Planting deeper than 2 cm produces elongated roots. Where the population is too low, roots tend to become large and are generally subject to more splitting/cracking.

 Recommended dose of Fertilizer Application: NPK – 50:50:60 kg/ per acre

 Major Nutrients


Combination 1


Urea (46 % N)


DAP (18 % N; 46 % P2O5)


MOP (60 % K2O)



Combination 2




Urea (46 % N)


MOP (60 % K2O)



Combination 3




Urea (46 % N)


MOP (60 % K2O)



 Secondary Nutrients [Soil Conditioners] 50 kg/acre[ products containing Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur nutrients]

Micronutrients [Micronutrient Mixtures] 5- 10 kg per acre Aries multi micronutrient fertilizer


Irrigation: The soil should never be allowed to dry out. This is of critical importance from planting until the plants have emerged and become well-established, in order to achieve a good stand.

 Weed control : Carrots are small, rather vulnerable plants during the early stages of growth. It is very important that weeds be controlled in the early stages of crop development, because early competition can adversely affect plant growth and result in the lowering of crop yields.

Weed control can be achieved mechanically, by hand, chemically or by a combination of these methods.

  • Pre emergent herbicides like Lasso or Oxyflourfen can be applied.
  • Lasso 1 litre with 5 kg sand and broadcast over just irrigated carrot field.
  • Oxyflourfen spray 1 mL/L and spray.


 Note: Weedicides/herbicides need to be applied person walking towards back to avoid the disturbances with walking steps.

Pests : Nematodes can cause considerable losses because of attacks by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp). The symptoms are nodular thickenings on the taproot and particularly on the finer lateral roots. Splitting and forking of roots can occur.


Preventive application of Marshall 2 litre in 5 kg per acre after 7-8 days of sowing will keep check on nematode attacks.


 Foliar pests

  • Aphids colonize the leaves and crowns of carrots, restrict the growth of carrots.
  • Red Spider is not a common pest of carrots, but numbers can increase rapidly under warm, dry conditions.

Aphids andthrips

Soil Insects

  • Pests such as false wireworms, cutworms and millipedes sometimes cause problems, by damaging the roots. Broadcasting of Caldan Gr @ 5 kg/acre can control the above pests.

Soil insects



 Alternaria Leaf Blight Leaf blight is a common disease of carrots.


  • Bacterial Blight bacterial blight is favoured by warm, wet weather. Symptoms are easily confused with Alternaria blight, but this disease is less common. Irregular brown spots occur on the leaves, and brown strips on the petioles. Bacteria Blight
  • White Mould- A white cottony growth envelops on the above-ground parts of the plant. The shoulders of the roots may become infected.

White mould

  • Sometimes carrot is affected by powdery mildew

Plant protection: Foliar application (Sprays)

 1st Spray – 20 to 25 days after germination

Insects:  plant hoppers,

Diseases: leaf spot, damping off

 Bengard 2 g/litre + Econeem 1 % - 1 mL /L +  Ahaar 2 ml/litre + + 

spray 1

  2nd Spray – 35 to 45 days after transplantation

Insects: Thrips, plant hoppers, leaf eating caterpillars, aphids, white flies

Diseases: leaf spot, Alternaria leaf blight, damping off

Cuprina 2 g/litre + Ampoxcilin – 1g/litre + V-Zyme 1 ml/litre + Plantomycin 0.5 gm/litre + +



Senior Agronomist, BigHaat.

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