Looking for natural and organic fertilizer to ensure a beautiful, healthy crop

Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals, in that, they feed your plants while building the soil’s structure. Soils with lots of organic material remain loose and airy, are better able to hold moisture and nutrients, foster growth of soil organisms, including earthworms and promote healthier root development. Building a healthy soil is the key to successful organic cultivation.


Another advantage of organic fertilizers is that they are made from plant and animal sources, or from rock powders. These materials need to be broken down by soil microbes in order for their nutrients to be released and that takes time. Because organic fertilizer works slowly, it provides long-term nutrition and steady, rather than excessive growth.


  On the other hand, chemical fertilizers work fast which is a good thing, if that’s what you’re looking for. They can make a bad garden or lawn look good much quicker than most organics can. However, it’s my opinion that the nutrients are released too quickly, creating a great deal of top growth before the roots are able to catch up. This kind of growth often leads to weaker plants. Also, because they are so rich, synthetic chemicals can easily be over applied and “burn” roots or create toxic concentration of salts.


Chemical fertilizers will not improve the structure of the soil. In fact, because they are composed of high concentrations of mineral salts, they are capable of killing off many of the soil organisms that are responsible for decomposition and soil formation. If only chemicals are added, the soil gradually loses its organic matter and microbiotic activity. As this material is used up, the soil structure breaks down, becoming lifeless, compact and less able to hold water and nutrients. The result is pretty clear – you’ll have to use more and more fertilizer.


Dry vs. Liquid Fertilizer

Organic fertilizers fall into two categories: dry and liquid.

Dry fertilizers such as bone mealrock phosphate, bat guano and blood meal are solid food for your beneficial soil microorganisms. They feed on it slowly and provide valuable nutrients to your plants throughout the entire growing season.

In most cases, dry fertilizers are broadcast directly over the top of your garden and are then hoed or raked into the top four to six inches of soil prior to planting. You can also add small amounts to planting holes as you sow seeds or transplant plants.

Another way to use dry fertilizers is to mix them along side plants during the growing season. This method is called side-dressing and works best if you can mix the fertilizer into the top inch or two of the soil. Unlike dry synthetic fertilizers, most organic fertilizers will not harm the delicate roots of the plants.

Liquid fertilizers are less concentrated than dry,

The most common method of delivering liquid fertilizers to plants is through their roots – by watering or root drench. Foliar feeding, an alternate method, delivers nutrients through the foliage or leaves of plants.

The advantages of foliar feeding are numerous:

  • Up to five hundred times more effective than soil drenching.
  • Nutrients are taken up immediately by plants, so you see quick results.
  • Supplies elements, such as iron, when they are not available in the soil.

        Liquid fertilizers are often used to help plants during critical periods such as blooming, transplanting, during fruit set or during periods of drought or high temperatures. The best times to apply foliar sprays is early morning and early evening when liquids will be absorbed quickly.

To correctly use any fertilizer, always make sure to apply as directed.

 Here are some links for organic fertilizers







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