Manage fruit rot disease in Cucurbit crops


Cucurbit crops are the important vegetable crops which belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. These crops are considered to be summer and rainy season crops, but now-a-days many farmers preferred to grow early for getting high market price (March and April). These cucurbit crops faces so many diseases in its life cycle.


Fruit rot is one of the important disease in Cucurbit crops which is caused by Phytophthora capsica (Phytophthora Fruit Rot) and Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum (Sclerotinia fruit rot).

Usually Fruit rot develops on the side contacting the soil and also by falling of an infested leaf on fruit.

Major causes:

  1. Fruit rot in gourds occurrence is high when there is high humidity, Moisture and temperature between 25-30 °C is most congenial for the spread of fruit rot fungus.



  1. It will also get transferred when we use equipment’s which are used for cutting of infested crop.
  2. Continuously growing host crop will also influence the occurrence of fruit rot disease in gourd crops.

    Phytopthera fruit rot Symptoms:

    Begins as a water-soaked or depressed spot on fruit, most often on underside of the fruit which are in contact with the soil.

    The pathogen produces a white, yeast-like growth that contains many fruiting bodies and affected fruit may be completely covered, finally entire fields may be destroyed.

    Sclerotinia fruit rot symptoms:

    Prominent white mycelial growth will be seen on infected gourd fruits. When fruits are on moist soil white mycelial growth will cover both the fruits and the fruits underwent complete rotting. Finally, fruits will be covered with abundant small to large, elliptical, circular and irregular sclerotia.


    • Rotation with non-host crops is recommended.
    • Manage soil moisture by selecting well-drained fields, avoiding low-lying areas, use trellis for growing, preparing and not over irrigating.
    • Use of sanitized equipment has fruit rot causing fungi will spread through infected equipment.

    Chemical control:

    Sl. No

    Chemical Name

    Trade Name

    Dosage per litre


    Azoxystrobin + Difenoconazole

    Amistar top

    0.5 ml


    Dimethomorph 50% WP


    1 gm


     Hexaconazole 5% + Captan 70% (75% WP)


    2 gm




    2 gm


    Tebuconazole 250 EC (25.9% w/w)


    1-1.5 ml


    Iprovalicarb + Propineb 6675 WP (5.5% +61.25% w/w)

    Melody Duo

    2.5-3 gm


    Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64%.(72% WP)


    1.5-2 gm


    Metalaxyl 35% WS


    0.5-0.75 gm


    cymoxanil 8% + mancozeb 64%


    1.5-2 gm


    chlorothalonil + 37.5 g/l metalaxyl-M

    Folio gold

    1.5-2 gm




    Biological control:

    SI. No.

    Technical Name

    Trade Name



    Alderm @ 2-3 ml/l OR Sanjeevni @ 20 g /l OR Treat Bio-Fungicide @ 20g /l OR Multiplex Nisarga @ 1mL /l



     Bio-jodi @ 20 g/l OR Bactvipe @ 1 ml /l OR Ecomonas 20 g /l OR Spot @ 1 ml /l OR Almonas @ 2-3 ml/l or 



    Mycozoots @ 0.5 gm/l





    Manjula G. S.

    SME, BigHaat


    For more information kindly call on 8050797979 or give missed call on 180030002434 during office hours 10 AM to 5 PM


    Disclaimer: The performance of the product (s) is subject to usage as per manufacturer guidelines. Read enclosed leaflet of the product(s) carefully before use. The use of this product(s)/ information is at the discretion of user.


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