Management of white grubs attack on brinjal roots

There was call to BigHaat Farmers Advisory Service Cell by progressive farmer Mr. Bala Venkat Reddy from Kadapa district complaining about a very complicated problem in Brinjal. In spite of his many attempts by spraying and drenching lot of medicines as protective measures to solve the problem but his problem was not solved and was worried.

      Brinjal White grubs symptoms


Symptoms what Mr. Reddy was explaining?

When asked for the symptoms he was told that he observed the symptoms in his brinjal plants.

  1. Leaves started getting smaller, turning yellowing both older and younger leaves later plants started severe leaf dropping,
  2. Very less flowering was observed
  3. The leaves and flowering was not recovering even though he sprayed with different nutrients which did not help him.

Symptoms in white grubs



Reddy was asked some questions to diagnose the problem in his brinjal crop

He was asked for nutrient applications as basal dose, age of the crop and time of application. The assumption of nutrients deficiencies due to yellowing was clear when he told he had applied sufficient amount of nutrients.

Then it was little bit difficult to identify to know that, what the problem was? Our team asked Mr. Reddy to check roots of the plants particularly the roots of severely affected.

After checking the roots Mr. Reddy told that he was able to see small sized grubs like organisms affecting the main roots feeding them. Mr. Reddy also confirmed that he also checked for few plants randomly for grubs.

There was evidence of small grubs feeding on the roots.

Since the problem was not properly identified by Mr. Bala Venkata reddy, he couldn’t decide which treatment he is to provide. BigHaat FASTeam helped him to identify the problem and suggested preventive methods to get rid of root grubs.


White root grubs in brinjal crop



Chemical method:

  1. 1st application: Drench with Marshal (Carbo sulfan)- 3ml/ ltr of water—100ml per plant.


Brinjal grubs management


And after 10days

  1. 2nd application drench with Karate (Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC )-3ml/ltr of water + Anshul Humifest – 5ml per ltr of water.--100ml per plant.


Brinjal grubs chemical amangement


Biological methods to control root grubs was also suggested to Mr.Reddy to use EntamoPathogenic Nematodes (EPN):  

Biological Products with high strength (EPN - HETERORHABDITIS INDICA):


Brinjal white grubs biological management


  1. Drench with Multiplex Soldier(EPN) - (or)
    Anshul Army- (or) T-Stanes Crown – 10 – 20 gms/ltr of water --200ml per plant.


NOTE:  Above medicines must be drenched only in dry soil conditions at root zone.


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For more information kindly call on 8050797979 or give missed call on 180030002434 during office hours 10 AM to 5 PM


Disclaimer: The performance of the product (s) is subject to usage as per manufacturer guidelines. Read enclosed leaflet of the product(s) carefully before use. The use of this product(s)/ information is at the discretion of user.


Also Read : Management of Fruit flies in Melon (Watermelon, muskmelon)

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