- The growth of the fungus is favored by low light, with high humidity and moderate temperature.
- Greenhouses provide an ideal moist, temperature conditions for rapid spread of the disease.
- The pathogen even remains in weeds or crop hosts.
- Old and stressed plants are more susceptible than healthy young plants.
Symptoms: - The symptoms appear primarily on foliage as light green to bright yellow lesions on the upper surface of leaf.
- The spots enlarge and become necrotic tissues.
- Lesions may be seen on the underside of leaves.
- Under favourable conditions, dense whitish powdery fungal growth appear on the underside of leaves, causing mild distortions.
- Later the fungal growth spread on upper side of the leaves also ultimately the entire leaves will wither and die, but they remain attached to the stem.
- The symptoms will not appear on fruits or stems, but loss of foliage leads to sunscald.
- Loss of foliage reduces the rate of photosynthesis ultimately which reduces the yield by 50% and quality of the fruits also will be affected.
- Fruits produced by infected plants will lack flavor and normal taste
• Avoid overcrowding of seedlings in the nursery, and check each for infection before field transplanting.
• Control the weed host plants regularly.
• Provide proper aeration and light penetration with proper plant spacing without over-crowding.
• Do not apply excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizer because abundant leafy growth promotes favorable condition for disease development.
• Ensure plants with adequate amounts of water as moisture stress may increase susceptibility.
• Improve ventilation by proper pruning and staking.
• Collect all the trash and burn or bury it.
• Avoid over-lapping crops to prevent spores from older crops infecting newer ones at an early age.
• Practice crop rotation, choosing a non-host crop, e.g., root crops or those in the cabbage family.
• Use resistant varieties
Management of powdery mildew with chemical fungicides
Spray with Contaf plus-2ml/lt or Folicur-1 to 1.5ml/lt or Nissodium-0.75-1ml/lt or Nativo-0.5gm/lt or Luna experience-1ml/lt or Merivon-0.4ml/lt
Also Read : Gall Midge on Chilli- How to Get rid of them?
For more chemicals to control powdery mildew in Chilli, please click below link:
Created By:
Vanitha K.
SME, Bighaat
Image courtesy: Google
For more information kindly call on 8050797979 or give missed call on 180030002434 during office hours 10 AM to 5 PM
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