Biological Management of Stem Borer in Rice -BigHaat

4 products

    4 products
    Nimbecidine Bio Insecticide
    Nimbecidine Bio Insecticide
    T. Stanes
    93200 ₹ 932
    1 ltr

    Here are some High-Quality Biological products for the Management of Stem Borer in Rice. Buy Best Quality Agri products online at BigHaat. BigHaat Provides 100% genuine Biological products for the Management of Stem Borer in Rice and the Best Quality Agricultural products Online.

    Stem borers can destroy Paddy at any stage of the plant from seedling to maturity.They feed upon tillers and cause dead hearts or drying of the central tiller, during the vegetative stage; and cause whiteheads at reproductive stage.

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