Good Agricultural practices for TOMATO crop
Tomato (LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM) belongs to the genus LYCOPERSICON under SOLANACEAE family. Tomato is an herbaceous sprawling plant growing to 1-3 m in height with weak woody stem.
The flowers are yellow in colour and the fruits of cultivated varieties vary in size from cherry tomatoes, about 1–2 cm in size to beefsteak tomatoes, about 10 cm or more in diameter. Most cultivars produce red fruits when ripe.
Climatic Requirement: The tomato is a warm-season crop. The crop does well under an average monthly temperature of 210C to 230C. Temperature and light intensity affect the fruit-set, pigmentation and nutritive value of the fruit. Long dry spell and heavy rainfall both shows detrimental effect on growth and fruiting.
Soils: The tomato grows on practically all soils from light sandy to heavy clay. Light soils are good for an early crop, while clay loam and silt-loam soils are well suited for heavy yields. Tomatoes do best in a soil that has a soil reaction from pH 6.0 to 7.0.
Spacing: The spacing recommended for the autumn-winter crop is 3.5 ft. x 1.5 ft. and for the spring-summer crop 4 ft. x 2 ft.
Sl. No. |
Company |
1 |
2 |
Syngenta Abhinav |
3 |
Syngenta Avishkar |
4 |
Seminis abhigyaan, |
5 |
Indo American Seeds INDAM RUCHI |
6 |
Seed Works SW1506 |
7 |
Indo American Seeds INDAM 9802 |
8 |
Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd. MHTM 256 (Suparna) |
9 |
Semillas Fito India Pvt.Lt Ruby Red |
10 |
Bayer US 618 |
Seed treatment/ Root dipping of saplings
Tomato crop is usually propagated through seeds but since seeds are very minute, seedlings or saplings raised under controlled conditions or nursery. Since saplings or early germinated plants are more vulnerable to pests and diseases the nursery growing of saplings have become must. The saplings can be procured from nurseries where quality saplings or seedlings are raised.
Roots of saplings procured from nurseries can be treated/ dipped with chemicals like Ridomet [Metalaxyl 35 %] 0.75 gm/L+ Plantomycin [Tetracycline + Streptomycin Sulphate] 0.5 gm/L + Humic Acid 5 mL [V-Hume] mixture before sowing.
Nursery Management
Seeds are pre sown in coco peat like nursery manure in controlled conditions called sapling nurseries. Saplings are raised in nurseries to protect them from adverse climatic conditions, pests, diseases and avoid spread of deadly viral diseases. Uniform growth is also ensured when saplings or seedlings are raised in controlled conditions. Healthy sturdy saplings can be produced in nurseries.
The transplanting is done in small flat beds or in shallow furrow depending upon the availability of irrigation. In heavy soil it is usually transplanted on ridges and during the rains also it is advantageous to plant the seedlings on ridges. For indeterminate varieties/hybrids, the seedlings have to be staked using supporting sticks.
Before transplanting during land preparation soil application
Farm yard manure / compost @ 12-15 ton/acre, 450-480kg Annapurna, 10 kg Multiplex Srushti, 10 -15 kg of Ecohume Granules 10-15 kg and 5 kg CALDAN granules to control White Grubs. DAP 100 kg + MOP 50 kg and Magnesium Sulphate 50 kg as basal dose.
25-30 days after transplantation 10:26:26 100 kg + 15 kg Calcium Nitrate treated with Multiplex General liquid 1 L
60 – 70 days after transplanting 14:34:14 or 12:32:16 + 25 kg MOP
100- 105 days after transplanting 20:20:00:13 100 kg + 50 kg MOP
Fertilizer Application:
Major Nutrients NPK – 100:100:100 kg/acre is recommended and by both soil application and through fertigation these nutrients to be supplemented.
Tomatoes need very careful irrigation that is just sufficient water at the right time. It is necessary to maintain an even moisture supply. Moisture stress causes abnormal physiological disorders. A period of drought followed by sudden heavy watering during the fruiting period may cause cracking of fruits.
Plant protection:
Weed management:
Metribuzin [Tata Metri] 100 gm per acre post emergent weedicide can be used in standing crop but manual weedings will reduce weed growth.
For control of white flies
Prime gold [Acetamiprid] 0.5 gm/L OR Odis [Buprofezin 15% + Acephate 35% WP] 2 gm/L
For control Leaf miners
Trifos [Triazhophos] 2 mL/L or Benevia [Cyantraniliprole] 1 mL/L
For control Sucking pests [ Thrips, Aphids , Green leaf hoppers, Jassids]
Confidor Super [Imidachloprid 30.5 %] 0.3 mL/L OR Hunk [Acephate]) 2 g/litre OR Tracer [Spinosad 480 SC] 0.375 mL/L
For control of leaf, flower feeder and fruit borer
Coragen [Chlorantraniliprole] or 0.33 mL/L OR Plethora [Novaluron 5.25% + Indoxacarb] 1 mL/L or Emagold 0.5 gm/L + Econeem plus 1 % 1 mL/L
For control of Red Spider mites
Maiden [Hexythiazox] 1.5 mL/L OR Magister [Fenazaquin] 2 ml/litre OR Colonel [Dicofol] + Multiplex Kranti 2 mL/L
For control of Nematodes in infested standing crops
- Drenching for individual plants 100 to 150 mL of following mixtures at 15 days interval
- First application: Marshal 3 mL/L + Humesol 3 mL/L + Econeem plus 1 % 2 mL/L of water
- Second application: Trifos 3 mL/L + Multiplex Kranti 2 mL/L + Neemark 1 % 2 mL/L of water
- Through drip irrigation in 500 L of following mixtures at 15 days interval
- First application: Marshal 3 L + Humesol 3 L + Econeem plus 1 % - 2 L
- Second application: Trifos 3 L + Multiplex Kranti L + Neemark 1 % 2 mL/L of water
Apply neem cake @ 450 to 500 kg/acre and 5 – 10 k g CALDAN granules per acre during basal application.
For control fungal leaf spot, stem rot and Anthracnose
Dithane M -45 [Mancozeb ] 2 gm/ L or Sanipeb [Propineb] 2 gm/L OR Bengard [Carbendazim] 2 gm/ L OR Ridomil gold 80 WP [Metalaxyl + Mancozeb] OR Avtar [Zineb 68% + Hexaconazol 4% WP] 2 g/litre OR Blitox [Copper Oxy Chloride] 2 g/litre or Kocide [Copper hydroxide] – 2 g/litre
For control Powdery mildew
Nativo [Tebuconazole+Trifloxystrobin] 0.5 gm/L OR Vespa [Propiconazole+ Difenoconazole1 mL/L OR Custodia [Azoxystrobin + Tebuconazole] 1 mL/L OR Contaf plus [Hexaconazole] 2 mL/L
For control early and late blight in winter months.
Borogold 2 gm/L + Dithane M – 45 [ Mancozeb] 2 gm/l OR Ridomil gold 80 WP or Master [Metalaxyl + Mancozeb] – 2 g/litre OR Lurit [Dimethomorph] 1 g/litre OR Phytoalexin 4 mL/l [Phosphorous liquid] + Blitox [Copper Oxy Chloride] 2 g/litre or Kocide [Copper hydroxide] 2 g/litre.
For control bacterial leaf spot
Borogold or Kavach [Chlorothalonil] 2 gm/L OR Kocide [Copper hydroxide] – 2 g/litre + Plantomycin 0.5 gm/L.
Several biological agents can be used to control the fungal and bacterial diseases like
- Ecoderma or Nisarga [TRICHODERMA VIRIDE] and Ecomonas PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS 10 to 15 gm/L for spray and 20-25 gm per litres for drenching to control wilts.
Important Disease and Disorder
Following sprays may be administered to manage viral infections like tospow virus, yellow mosaic, leaf curl and other viral infections
First spray: Odis 2mL/L + Viral out 2 gm/L+ Magnum Mn 0.5 gm/l + Phytozyme 1 mL/L+ Econeem plus 1 %- 1 mL/L
after 10 days:
Prime gold 0.5 gm/L + V-Bind 2 mL/L + Multimax 3 gm/L + Econeem plus 1 % 1 mL/L
Blossom End rot Disease a disorder caused by Calcium nutrient deficiency
The Blossom End rot Disease is a physiological problem occurs in highly succulent fruits of vegetable and fruit crops.
Controlling Measures
Blossom end rot can be managed by maintaining adequate supplies of moisture and calcium to the developing fruits. Soil applications as basal dose, Fertigation at developing stages and more frequent foliar applications with calcium containing products may control the Blossom End Rot disease.
Soil application with Soil grade Calcium Nitrate.
10 kg as basal application and 15 kg per acre at the 40 days after transplanting
5 kg Fertigation at 35 days after transplanting and after that every 20 days once
Spray with Foliar grade Calcium Nitrate 3- 4 gm/L every 20 days after transplanting
Senior Agronomist, BigHaat.
Disclaimer: The performance of the product (s) is subject to usage as per manufacturer guidelines. Read enclosed leaflet of the product(s) carefully before use. The use of this product(s)/ information is at the discretion of user.
Tamoto plants maintain details
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