Pheromone Trap- Effective Tools To Monitor and Control Of Insect Pests


Pheromone Trap: Now a days, Insect pest control has become serious issue for the farmers because of resistance to chemicals and lack of knowledge regarding which chemical to be used for particular pests. Irrespective use of chemicals also causing irreversible effects to living beings.

In this way, pheromone traps play an important role where this is both cultural and biological method of pest monitor and pest control. Pheromone traps are very good tools to be incorporated in integrated pest management and sustainable agriculture.

Pheromone are the chemicals released by insect for their communication with another fellow mate. Insect send these chemical signals to attract mates, warn other of predating insects or to find food.

Using of specific pheromone along with lure is very important for monitoring and control of targeted pests in agriculture.

Pheromone traps can be used in different ways:

Detection and monitoring of pests: Use of pheromone traps for identifying the particular insect and counting on them to take further control by using other methods.

Mass trapping and disruption: Use of pheromone traps for controlling the pest by mass trapping of them (usually male insect) continuously and reducing the count, thus preventing mating and multiplication of the insect.

Tips To Be Followed For Using Pheromone Trap:

  • Each pheromone is designed for a specific insect. No trap will be effective for all insects.
  • Pheromones may be lower risk than conventional pesticides.
  • Lures need to be replaced often to better the trapping of new insects.
  • Do not place them in high traffic areas near people or gardens.
  • Traps can be affected by weather events, check them after storms to see if they need repair or replacement.
  • Keep traps out of reach of children and pets.
  • Wash your hands after using pheromones, as pests may follow you if you smell like one of their own.
  • Don't use outdoor products indoors and always follow the label about how and where to use the product.

Different kinds of traps:

  1. Sticky traps: Sticky cards are gum-based traps frequently used in pest control to catch and monitor insect pests. Typically, sticky cards consist of a sticky glue substance layer on a piece of cardboard. Most sticky traps contain no pesticides, although some may be impregnated with pheromone designed to be attractive to certain pests.

Target pest: Whitefly, Leaf miner, Aphid, Cabbage root fly, Cabbage white butterfly Cucumber beetles, Thrips, Tea mosquito bugs, Leafhoppers, Brown planthopper

Crops: Vegetables and Flowers

Recommendation: Yellow- 20 number

                             Blue- 5 number (Mainly for thrips)

  1. Delta traps: Lure is placed in the centre of the trap which was folded in delta shape. It is also made up of yellow colour plastic/sheet to attract the insects. It is easy to assemble and use.

Target pest: Diamond Back Moth, Tuta absoluta

 Crops: Tomato, Potato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brossel sprouts 

Recommendation: 6-8 traps/acre


  1. Funnel traps: Funnel trap usually contain a lure suspended from the underside of the middle of the trap, with an insecticidal strip inside the collection container to dispatch the insects.

Target pest: Bollworm, Shoot and fruit borer, Tobacco caterpillar, Pink Bollworm, Yellow stemborer, Fall armyworm

Crops: Bengal gram, Cabbage, Chilli, Chrysanthemum, Cotton, Cow pea, Green gram, Groundnut, Maize, Okra, Red gram, Rice, Sorghum, Soybean, Sunflower, Tomato, Cotton, Pigeon pea, Chickpea, Sorghum, Peas, Tobacco, Potatoes & Maize.

Recommendation: Around 6 traps/ acre

Life span: 1 year


  1. Bottle traps: Bottle trap also contains lure to attract male flies which is suspended in the middle of the cap and holes were made on the bottle to make sure that flies should enter inside and get trapped. Yellow colour of the cap is maintained to attract the insects.

Host Crops: Gherkins, Cucumber, Mango, Pumpkins, Mask melon, Watermelon, Guava, Sapota, Citrus, Banana, Papaya, Gourds.

Target Pests: Bactrocera cucurbitae (Melon fruit fly), Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly), Bactrocera Zonata(Peach fruit fly), Bactrocera correcta (Guava fruit fly).

Recommendation: Around 6-8 traps/acre

  1. Water pan traps: Insert the pheromone in the container and fix it on the upper central part of the trap. Fill the trap with water to the brim.

Target Pest: Tuta absoluta (American Pinworm)

Host Crop: Tomato, Potato, Eggplant (Brinjal) and Capsicum

Recommendation: 8-10 traps/ acre

Lure Replacement: Within 4-6 weeks


  1. Bucket trap: Insect can easily enter in bucket with help of hole Easy to hang Insects can easily travel in the bucket with the help of gunny bag. The trap has to be installed around the tree about five feet from ground surface level and has to be fixed by pouring water. 

Target Pest: White grups, Rhinoceros beetle, Red palm weevil

Host Crop: Sugarcane, groundnut, chilli, guava, coconut, tobacco, potato, betel nut, oilseeds, pulses and vegetables

Recommendation: 4-5 traps/ acre

Benefits of using pheromone trap:

  • Reduces the Applications of Harmful Pesticide.
  • Economically Affordable and easy to install
  • If used properly can detect low numbers of insect pest levels
  • Helps in reducing the damage to the crop


Manjula G S

Associate Agronomist, BigHaat.


For more information kindly call on 8050797979 or give missed call on 180030002434 during office hours 10 AM to 5 PM


Disclaimer: The performance of the product (s) is subject to usage as per manufacturer guidelines. Read enclosed leaflet of the product(s) carefully before use. The use of this product(s)/ information is at the discretion of user.



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