Albizia odoratissima is a medium sized tree to 22(-40) m tall, diameter 120- 150 cm, and a short trunk.
Bark dark grey to light brown with horizontal lenticels. Crown spreading, relatively dense with drooping foliage. Branching habit uniform, but irregularities occur when the tree is damaged.
Our company is highly esteemed firm known for offering Candidate Plus Trees (CPTs) to the clients. This product is best for growing trees and shrubs which enhance the beauty of garden, landscapes, commercial crops, etc. Offered range is available in moisture resistant packaging in order to maintain its freshness and effectiveness.
Its occurence in our forests is rather infrequent. It is not exacting as regards the soil requirement. Identified by dark green foliage, grey bark with irregular cracks and darker patches. It coppices well and produces root suckers.
Family : Leguminosae - Mimosoideae
Common Name : Ceylone rose wood, Black siris
Flowering : Pale yellowish white fragrant flowers appear from April to June.
Fruiting : Pods reach full size by October and November and complete ripening by December-January.
Morphology of the Fruit/Seed : Pods 10 to 30 cms by 1.8 to 3.0 cms in size, thin, flexible, tomentose when young, but glabrous when old; reddish brown with darker blothces indicating the position of the seeds, shortly stipitate; seeds 8 to 12.
Seed Collection and Storage : Pods are collected by lopping the branches, dried in the sun and then the seeds are harvested.
Pre treatments:
To hasten the germination, soak the seeds in cold water for 24 hours. Nursery Technique : Treated seeds are sown in polybags in April.
Germination starts after 7 to 10 days and is profuse. Seedlings reach plantable size by July to August.
The highest germination success was 82.07% in the treatment of immersion in hot water (80°C) for 10 min, followed by 79.00% in immersion in hot water (100°C) for 1 min. Germination started 4 to 6 days after seed sowing and completed in a period of 22 to 25 days in all treatments