Bio insecticide for management of soil & foliar insect pest infestation of crops.
Residue free.
No pre-harvest interval.
Supplementary Products : NA.
Application Season :Kharif and rabi.
Keywords and Tags : Bio insecticide, Beauveria.
Mode Of Action:
Beauveria bassiana is the active ingredient in Brigade B. It is a fungus which can infect insect pests.Conidia/blastospores of Beauveria in Brigade B when come in contact with cuticle or skin of insect pests, they germinate. Fungus then penetrates the insect body, proliferates, produces entomotoxins and kill the insects. Beauveria then colonises the dead cadevar of insects and its conidia continue to spread in fields to kill more insects.
Use : Root zone drenching, soil and foliar application.
Application Methods : Foliar and soil application.