Anshul Phalmax is a combination product of bio-organics and traces of micronutrients in balanced quantity in chelated form.
Anshul Phalmax can be used for vegetable crops like Tomato, Chilli, cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucurbits, Gourds, Leafy vegetables, Fruit crops like Pomegranate, Grapes, Mango, Papaya, Banana, Gauva and all other field crops.
Phalmax is a combination product of bio-organics and traces of micronutrients in balanced quantity in chelated form.
This product is available in liquid formulation. Phalmax induces resistance to diseases by catalyzing the enzymatic related reactions, which in turn maintains healthy plant and produce.
It is quickly absorbed by the plant and the nutrients are easily available. It induces more flowering and helps in fruit setting.