V-Zyme Sport is specially designed for turf , its a unique formulation of micronutrients with amino acid, growth-supporting co-factors and biostimulator, consisting of various minerals suspended in amino acids.
The micronutrients are used in such a peculiar form that ensures the bioavailability of these micronutrients to the maximum extent. Such bioavailability of these micronutrients is rarely seen in any other products available in the market.
V-Zyme is specially formulated with the purpose of beautifying playing surfaces and giving them a healthy attractive look.
Sports grounds and playing fields pose a unique challenge to those that look after them. The turf needs to be resilient to rough regular use, good to move on and look at, yet all the while simple and cost effective to maintain. V- Zyme Sports helps greenkeepers and groundmen achieve these goals. In other words, with V-Zyme Sports, you can achieve healthier and stronger turf for a more attractive and robust playing surface which is resilient to wear and tear.
What's more, V-Zyme Sport can be mixed and sprayed with usual fertilizers and pesticides and is safe to handle, store and use with no harm to humans, wildlife or the environment. This means it can be incorporated into your maintenance programme and fertilizer schedule, saving you both time and money.
More dense, green, attractive and robust playing surface
Increased sward density.
Root develop more mass and depth.
Uptake of soil nutrients, enhance resistance against diseases drought tolerance, stress tolerance and improves roots.
V- Zyme helps to give boost to the synthesis of enzymes and the process of photosynthesis