VERMIHUME is a unique bio stimulant based on bioactive humic and fulvic substances derived from Vermicompost. VERMIHUME helps in retention of flowers, imparts better organoleptic properties like lustre, aroma, flavor and taste; and attracts pollinators.
VERMIHUME provides bioenergy required for crops and has biologically derived nutrients and bio stimulant substances. VERMIHUME is not derived from mineral/mining sources and is not potassium humate or any other chemical hamate. Most products available in market as “Humic Acids/Fulvic Acids” are of mineral origin and chemically processed as Hamates. VERMIHUME is the only true bio logically derived bioactive humic and fulvic substances with bio energizers.
bioactive humic and fulvic
VERMIHUME Biological benefits
Helps retention of flowers
Attracts pollinators
Imparts better organoleptic properties
Provides Bioenergy
Helps fight abiotic stress
Enhances plant foliar nutrient absorption and translocation.
VERMIHUME is derived from vermicompost. All biologically derived macro nutrients, micro nutrient, enzyme, gibberellins, betains and many unidentified bio stimulants present in VERMIHUME provide energy to the plants. A large number of enzymes present in the gut system of earthworms decompose the biomass consumed by them and the vermicompost so derived has many unidentified but very bioactive substances that provide bioenergy to plants at critical junctures like flowering stage.
Foliar Application Mix 2-3 ml.VERMIHUME in 1 L of water and spray. Spray volume depends on the crop canopy.
Drip Irrigation: Mix 1L/acre of VERMIHUME in drip Stream.
Seed Treatment: Mix 5ml/kg of VERMIHUME as seed dressing Root dip/Nursery treatment: Mix 5ml of VERMIHUME per Liter of water and dip seedling in this solution/spray on nursery bed.