Saikin is very effective fungicide used to control the Blast disease in rice.
Saikin rapidly absorbed and translocated systemically in plants and provides longer duration control.
Saikin should be sprayed at the initial blast development of the leaf called Leaf blast stage followed by its application before the symptoms visible on neck.
Saikin reduces the chaffy & broken grains and also increases the quality & yield of the Rice crop.
Saikin is a highly systemic fungicide which provides effective control of Leaf blast, Node blast and Neck blast in Rice.
Saikin can be applied as preventive spray starting from Nursery to mature crop stage or immediately after appearance of Blast symptoms.
Saikin has not developed the resistance among the blast races in India.
SAIKIN is compatible with commonly used pesticides. It is not compatible with lime sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.