Utkarsh Vamoz-P is a COMPLIANT PRODUCT as per Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985 under Schedule III containing Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers.
Utkarsh Vamoz-P is based on spores and fragments of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungal filaments and infected toot bits. This fungus-plant alliance stimulates vigorous root growth and accelerates root development.
Total Viable spores / gram of product. - Minimum 10 viable spore per gram of finished Product.
pH - *5.0-7.0
Inocculum Potential - 1200 IP per gram of finished product by MNP method with 10-fold dilution.
Utkarsh Vamoz-P is used for enhancing nutrients and water uptake by plants.
Utkarsh Vamoz-P increases vigorous growth with significant stem girth.
Utkarsh Vamoz-P helps plants increase tolerance against all types of biotic and abiotic stress conditions.
Utkarsh Vamoz-P increases plant growth and yield by promoting root development.
Soil Application: Utkarsh VAMoz-P can be used by blending with around 400-500 Kg of Organic Manure or FYM/Vermicompost/Soil and applying near the root zone of the plants over one acre and giving light irrigation.
3-4 Kg/acre
Additional Information
Mixing Instructions:
Do not mix with chemical fertilizers and pesticides.