Mode of Action: It inhibits the formation of sporangia and zoospores by degrading the cell wall of oospores. It also inhibits the growth of hyphae and the development of mycelia by lysis of the cell wall of downy mildew fungi. It is absorbed by the plants or leaves and moves throughout the plant.
Key Features & Benefits
It is more effective due to protective, anti-sporulant and curative properties which prevent the establishment of fungus.
Downy Raze is the best fungicide with no chemical residue and suitable for organic farming practices.
Downy Raze Bio Fungicide Usage & Crops
Recommended Crops: Downy Raze is recommended for all types of Fruits like Grapes, Vegetables like Pea, Onion, Cucumbers, Gourds, Flowers, Oilseeds, Cereals-Pulses, Bulbs and Tubers, Spices, Herbal plants, Cash crops like Cotton and other Agriculture and Horticultural crops.
Target Disease: Downy mildew
Dosage: 1.5-2.5 ml/liter of water
Method of Application: It is recommended to apply at an interval of 7-8 days which is subjected to need based upon disease severity in crops.
Additional Information
Downy Raze is non-compatible with sulphur, copper-based fungicides, and Bordeaux mixture
Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purpose only. Always follow to the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.