Technical Content: Acetamiprid 20 % SP
Prime Acetamaprid Insecticide: Acetamiprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide that works by antagonizing the nicotine acetylcholine receptors in the neural pathways. This causes interruption of brain signals throughout the insects body. Insects are affected within 30 minutes of treatment with excitement, then paralysis, and finally extermination. Acetamiprid is an ovicidal, larvicidal, and adulticidal, meaning it works at all stages of insect development. Insects are affected mainly by ingestion, and may be affected by some forms of contact as well. Acetamiprid is translaminar, meaning it protects both sides of a leaf surface.
Target crops: Wide range of crops, especially vegetables, Fruits and Tea
Target Pests: All sucking pests like white fly, Mealy bug, Aphids, Jassids
Dosage: Vegetables: 30-120gm/acre and 40- 250gm/acre for orchids
Dosage: 0.5 - 1.25gm/liter