SANGATHI PLUS Trichoderma Harizianum is a Bio fungicide with super effective remedy against Collar rot , Root rot , Dry rot , karnal bunt disease wilts leaf blight spots and other soil borne pathogens caused by Fusarium , Rhizoctonia , Alternaria , Blister blight. affecting all crops plantations & Gardening.
SANGATHI PLUS Trichoderma Harizianum is a powerful liquid solution with Recommended CFU ( 2 x 10^8 ) thus powerful liquid Solution and better shelf life then other Powder forms of Trichoderma Harizianum in the market.
Recommended For Organic Farming by NPOP & Gardening.
It is recommended input for Organic Plantations for Export Purposes
SANGATHI PLUS Trichoderma Harizianum is an effective remedy against all crops including Groundnut , Bt Cotton , Cumin , Onion , Garlic , Pulses , Sugarcane , Vegetable crops , Tobacco , banana , papaya , and horticultural and floricultural plantations.
Effective against diseases: It is a natural bio-fungicide , highly effective in controlling a wide range of soil borne crops disease caused by Fusarium , Rhizoctonia , Pythium , Schlerotinia , Verticillium , Alternaria , phytophthora , and other fungus. Method of application and dosage:
Seed Treatment – Mix 6 ml. Trichoderma Harizianum in 50 ml. of water and applied on 1 kg of seed uniformly. Shades dry the seeds for 20 – 30 minutes before sowing.
Foliar Spray – 4 ml per Liter water is recommended , Soil Application : 2 Liter Per Acre is used.
For Detailed Instructions to use is given along with the product.
It is Harmless and Eco-friendly low cost agro-input with Higher Shelf-life.