( Anti Pathogen Kit ) Support To Growth And Development Of Plant Bactericide Organic Product BIO FUNGICIDES
SARVGUN is combo of Mycorrhiza, Pseudomonas, and Trichoderma
MYCOMAN (Mycorrhiza) Bio-Fertilizer which is beneficial fungi that symbiocally associate with plant roots and increase absorption of phosphorus, other nutrients and water from soil which support to growth & development of plant and increases their yield hence considered as natural bio fertilizer. They also increase the resistance in plants against plant pathogens and surface area of root system for beer absorption of nutrient from soil and promote plant growth by enhancing nutrients acquision and promote growth hormones.
SUDOKU (Pseudomonas) significantly use for the control of root, Rhizoctonia, fusarium wilt, Nematode and damping off in all crops. Pseudomonas promote plant growth and health by suppressing soilborne diseases, by simulant plant immune defences, and by improving nutrient availability in soil.
SANGATHI (Trichoderma) widely use for the control of fusarium wilt, Scleroa, Nematode and damping off in all crops. Trichoderma significantly suppress the growth of plant pathogenic microorganisms and regulate the rate of plant growth.
All type of crops.
Method of Application : Seed Treatment - For 2 Kg seed treatment, mix 2 - 10.gm ( Depending on seed size) of Sarvgun in sufficient quantity of water.
For Drip Irrigation : Take 1 kg of Sarvgun with 200 Itr. of water
For Spray : Mix 1 kg of Sarvgun with 100 letter of water and spray near the root zone,
For tree treatment : Mix 50 gm of Sarvgun with 4 Letter of water and apply it directly at the root zone of individual trees or vines early in the season.