Troth fungicide is an effective disease control product for numerous crops. It’s currently registered for commercial use in potato, tomato, grapes and cucumber.
Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP
Troth fungicide (cymoxanil 8% + mancozeb 64%) fungicide, is a systemic and contact disease control solution for crop disease control in grape downy mildew and late blight of potato and tomato.
With kickback action, Curzate fungicide Pro stops unseen infections, even when applied up to three days after infection, helping to prevent flare-ups and protect new foliage.
It continues working for two to three days after application, helping to reduce spore viability and prevent new infection.
Troth is the only systemic fungicide to feature post-infection protection from late blight in the field. Post-infection activity is an integral part to a multi-level approach in controlling late blight.
Potato, Tomato, Cucumber, Citrus
It forms a protective layer on leaves and other plant parts that prevents infection through contact activity. Inhibits formation of intercellular hyphae which stops the spread of pathogen inside the plant
1500 gm per hectare using 500 litres of water. For Gummosis 250 gm per 100 litres of water (10 litre per tree)+ 25 gm pet 1 litre of linseed (50 ml linseed per tree)