Utkarsh NOP (13:00:45) is a COMPLIANT PRODUCT as per Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985 under Schedule 1(i) containing Potassium Nitrate and having Total nitrogen (all in nitrate form) 13% minimum and Water-soluble Potassium (as K2O) 45% minimum.
Utkarsh NOP (13:00:45) is a free-flowing, fine crystalline Powder which dissolves speedily and completely in water to form a spray solution. NOP (13:00:45) is compatible with all water-soluble fertilizers and also a majority of pesticides in foliar application.
Contents - % By Weight
Moisture per cent by weight, maximum - 0.5
Total nitrogen (all in Nitrate form) per cent by weight, minimum - 13.0
Water soluble potassium (as K2O) per cent by weight, minimum - 45.0
Sodium (as Na) per cent by weight, maximum - 1.0
Total chloride (as CI) per cent by weight, maximum - 1.5
Matter insoluble in water, per cent by weight, maximum - 1.5
Utkarsh NOP (13:00:45) is useful for excellent fruit setting & fruit development.
It promotes abundant flowering and improves flower quality.
Utkarsh NOP (13:00:45) has a low N: K ratio, therefore suitable for all crops and all growing stages in the crop cycle.
It increases nutrient uptake and utilization by plants.
It boosts plant resilience against environmental stressors.
It helps in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes for overall plant growth.