A natural bio-fungicide, highly effective in controlling a wide range of diseases like Root rot, Stem rot, leaf spot, wilt, blights.
Harmless and Eco-friendly low-cost agro-input.
Higher Shelf-life
Higher and perfect bacterial count
Allowed Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India
Application: Can be used for Soil application, Seed treatment, and foliar spray.
This packet contains two strips (each containing 5 capsules). One strip is having given bio fungicide and second strip is of food kit (rich in nitrogen, carbon, vitamins, pH reducer, spreader etc.) required for better growth of these fungi.
Note: After activation in warm water (not exceeding 45-50℃) each biocapsule gives 1010 - 1011 CFU per gram of organisms.
Control of seed, soil, and air-borne diseases like Root Rot, Stem rot, Wilt, Blight, Downy, and Powdery Mildew.
For all crops.
Direction for use and Manner and time of application: 05 Bio fungicide with 5 food kit capsules /Acre. 20 Carton Box (Each carton has 10 capsules – 5 capsules of bio fertilizers and 5 capsules of food kit).