This product is derived from Brassinolide, Vitamins and Carboxylic acid. It is residue free product.
Improve berry size & Crunchy and, shiny fruits, berry weight, On time fruits maturity, Reduce the pre harvest ,Reduces flower & fruit dropping ,berry drop ,Cell division, elongation and Tolerance of biotic and differentiation abiotic stress ,Improve uptake of nutrient and water in plants ,Increase Seed germination, Reproductive Development
Targeted crops: Grapes, other Horticulture & Vegetable crops.
If you use this product in acidic pH you will get better results.
Foliar spray regular blower 1 to 1.5 ml per Liter water
ESS - 600 ml per Acre
Manually Dipping 1 to 1.5 ml per liter of water as per your variety and soil quality