CFU – 5 x 107 per gm, 1 x 108 per ml
Mode of action:
Azotobacter spp. in NPK liquid formulation increase nitrogen uptake, produce plant growth hormones (IAA, GA), vitamins enhancement in uptake NO3, NH4, H2PO4, K and Fe.
Azospirillum is an associative micro aerophillic nitrogen fixer. This bacterium induce the plant foods to secrete and mucilase which aerate low oxygen environment and helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen.
PSB possess the activity to solubilize the Phosphorous by secreting organic acids (Gluconic acid, formic acid, glutomic acid, lactic acid, citrate, malic acid) lower soil pH and turns unavailable forms of soil phosphate to available form. Some of hydroxyl acids ch-e-late Ca, Al, Fe and Mg resulting in effective availability of soil and reduced phosphate dose by 50%. KMB to mobilize potash available in soil of the plant activates the numerous enzymes system involved in formation of organic substances and protein compounds.
Target Crops:
Suitable for all crops like Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Groundnut, Sugarcane, Grapes, Pomegranate, Citrus, Banana, Tea, Coffee, Coconut, Vegetables and Flowers.
Method of application and dosage for Liquid Formulation:
PREMIUM BIO NPK is balanced perfect mixture that create a balance in the use of chemical fertilizer
It can be used along with irrigation water in case of fruit crop.
Method of application and dosage for Granule formulation:
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