About Product
Ecohume Magic is a consortium of NPK (3:3:3) duly fortified with highly active humic substances.
- It is 100% water soluble, no-deposits or clogging on drip irrigation systems, promotes higher yield and better quality of the produce.
Ecohume Magic Composition & Technical Details
Composition: It contains 6 % Humic Substances.
Mode of Action: The product contains active forms of humic substances in addition, has phytohormones like betaines and cytokinin like activity. The product helps crops manage osmotic stress, accelerates plant metabolic processes and enhances nutrient uptake, thereby increasing yield. The organoleptic compounds present in the product enhance the quality and shelf life of the produce.
Key Features & Benefits
Ecohume Magic improves the plant capacity to uptake and utilize nutrients in a more efficient way.
- It strengthens the resistance power of the plants and helps to withstand biotic and abiotic stresses.
Ecohume Magic Usage & Crops
Recommended Crops: Suitable to improve productivity of a wide range of crops such as floriculture, fruits, vegetables, cereals, plantation, field crops, golf courses, turf and lawns.
Dosage & Method of Application
- Soil Application- 1stApplication: Soil drenching @ 600 to 800 ml/ acre after 15 to 20 days of sowing, planting or germination. 2ndApplication: Soil drenching @ 600 to 800 ml/hectare after 40 to 50 days of sowing, planting or germination.
- Foliar Application- Foliar application @ 400 to 500 ml/hectare at vegetative growth and\or pre-flowering stage.
Additional Information
Apply Ecohume Magic along with fertilizers as per regular farmer practice.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.