Bioringa is a MORINGA OLIFERA PROTEIN BASED 100% organic and Eco-friendly fertilizer used for foliar application for all crops. It increases plant metabolism and nutrient intake. It increase yield by 20-30%.The main ingredient of Bioringa is MORINGA OLIFERA PROTEIN which has several benefit in crop development. SFT/MP
It regulate the cell division and cell growth.
It is an extremely powerful antioxidant protecting the plant cells from oxidative damage.
It functions as a cofactor for enzymes involved in regulating photosynthesis, hormone biosynthesis and regenerating other antioxidant. also regulates abiotic and biotic stress response in plants.
It enhances nutritional uptake and their utilization which improves the colour, size, luster and taste of fruits.
It promotes hormonal activity and induces their synthesis resulting into flowering and fruit setting.
It also reduces the flower and fruit drop caused by hormonal imbalance.
It also improves keeping quality. It is an ideal product to resist from adverse conditions.
It is use in all crops like Vegetables, Fruits, Spices , Cotton, Flowers, Plantation crops, Cereals and Pulses. SFT/MP
2 or 3 dosage during active growing stage of crop. It can be applied as a foliar application.