Best winter onion with high storage capability
- Plant Type - Erect & vigorous
- Bulb Colour - Uniform light red
- Bulb Weight - 120 to 150 g
- Bulb Shape - Flattish globe
- Bulb Size - Medium uniform
- Pungency - High
- Maturity - 100 to 110 days after transplanting
Tips for Growing Onion:
Soil : Well drained sandy loam is suitable.
Sowing time : Aug - Nov
Transplanting : 40 - 45 days after sowing.
Spacing : Row to Row : 10 cm, Plant to Plant : 10 cm.
Seed rate : 2.0 kg/acre
Preparation of Main field :
- Deep ploughing of main followed by a 1-2 harrowing.
- Add 7-8 tones per acre well decomposed FYM followed by harrowing to mix in the soil thoroughly.
- Apply basal dose of Fertilizer at the time of transplanting.
- Irrigate the field and transplant the seedlings.
Fertilizer management :
- Apply basal dose at the time of planting : 30:30:30 NPK Kg/acre
- Apply top dressing 20 days after planting : 25:25:25 NPK Kg/acre
- Apply top dressing 45-50 days after planting : 00:00:25 NPK Kg/acre
- Apply Sulphur ( Bensulf) in soil 40-50 days after transplanting : 10-15 kg/acre
Harvesting : Stop irrigation two weeks before harvest. After harvest keep the bulb in the field for curing for 5- 6 days along with tops. Cover the bulbs to avoid sun scalding. After proper drying remove roots and neck, don't cut the neck close to bulb.
Sowing Season: