Component | Percentage |
Vinasse Metabolites (Contains amino acids and nutrients) | 52% W/W |
Aqua | 48% W/W |
Crops |
Stage |
Dosage / Acre (ml) |
Soybean |
Single application, At the beginning of the reproductive stage |
800 |
Cotton |
1st application - At square formation, 2nd application at flower initiation |
400 |
Rice |
At maximum tillering stage |
800 |
Wheat |
One application at flag leaf stage |
400 |
Sugarcane |
One application at knee high stage |
600 |
Apple |
1st application - pink bud stage, 2nd application - 50% flowering stage |
1ml/L water |
Tea |
2nd applications at 15 days interval |
800 |
Black gram |
One application at pre flowering stage |
400 |
Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.
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