Activates the metabolism and improves photosynthesis and the root ability to uptake mineral elements.
Total Nitrogen - 20%
Water Soluble Phosphate - 0.7%
Water soluble Potash - 14%
Free Amino acid - 1.1%
Organic Carbon - 2.3%
Matter insoluble in water - 0.5%
Made from Biopolymer technology, free of sodium, chloride and heavy metals, very low crystallization temperature, production process certified, easy to handle and apply. (NPK- N=20, P=07, K=14 + Trace Elem)
All-purpose fertilizer to maintain nutrient balance throughout all growing seasons and compensate for nutrient deficiency quickly and efficiently.
Provides uniformity of maturity
Fully water-soluble balanced fertilizer enriched with micronutrients
Activates enzymes and promotes active and healthy development
Provides better cell division, and cell enlargement and strengthens cell walls
Enhances seed germination, durability, and protein content.
Contributes to improved flowering, fruit set, and fruiting
Helps improve the quality of crops and increases yield
Improves the taste, color, and shape of fruit while maintaining the level of nutrients
All vegetables, cereals and, horticulture crops
Foliar application: Dose 3 to 4 ml per liter for any crops type and 500ml to 1 Ltr per acre