Humic Acid 98% Flakes (100% Water Soluble) is a type of organic fertilizer that is derived from humic substances found in soil, compost, and other organic materials. Humic substances are complex molecules that are formed by the decomposition of organic matter, and they are rich in humic acid, fulvic acid, and other organic compounds.
Humic Acid 98%
100% Water Soluble.
Instantly mixes in water.
Best Results.
100% organic.
Safe to the Environment
Humic Flakes increases chlorophyll content in plant.
It increase white root development.
Increases the availability of Phosphorus, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc.
Increases Photosynthesis process in leaf, also increases productivity and yield of plant.
Promotes micro-nutrient transfer in crops, activates hormones in plant.