It is a completely water soluble Nano-fertilizer with adequate amounts of the primary nutrients NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS and POTASSIUM. It is used in the form of foliar spray and drip irrigation to meet nitrogen, Phosphorous and POTASSIUM deficiency at any stage of plant growth. It is useful for all crops. It can be mixed with insecticide and fungicide product.
NPK (13:40:13) is a water-soluble fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a 1:3:1 ratio. It can help plants in many ways, including:
Promoting growth: NPK (13:40:13) can stimulate new root development, vigorous plant growth, and healthy vegetative growth.
Improving flowering and fruiting: The high phosphorus content of NPK (13:40:13) supports healthy flowering and fruiting stages.
Increasing yield and quality: NPK (13:40:13) can increase crop yield and quality, and improve fruit quality, weight, color, size, and shelf life.
Enhancing nutrient absorption: NPK (13:40:13) can enhance nutrient absorption and utilization.
Improving plant resilience: NPK (13:40:13) can improve plant resilience against environmental stress.
it is recommended for all Crops like Cereals, Vegetable, top fruits, spices and medicinal crop etc
2 to 3 times during the growth and development stages of the plant.
200 gm/acre (2 GM PER LITRE WATER)
Additional Information
Mix 20 gm of powder into one pump (15 Litre of water) and spray at active growth stages.
For best results apply 2 foliar sprays
1st spray at active tillering / branching stage (30-35 Days after Germination or 20-25 Days after Transplanting)
2nd spray 20-25 days after 1st spray or before flowering in the crop.
Number of sprays can be increased depending upon crop and its NPK requirement