Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza follows culture based on Self-Isolates from Indian Forests. VAM is a symbiotic endophytic soil fungus, which colonizes the roots of approximately 80% plants. VAM fungi produce hyphae, which are microscopic tubes that colonize crop roots and grow out into the soil further than root hairs. Nutrients are taken up by the hyphae and carried back to the plant. This results in very efficient mobilization & uptake of fertilizers and other nutrients by plants.
Our product surpasses all VAM technologies available in the market due to our in-house developed special formulation, which enhances crop yield.
Vesicular-Arbuscular-Mycorrhiza (VAM)
VAM produces powerful enzymes to dissolve tightly bound nutrients such as organic nitrogen, phosphorous, iron, zinc, sulphur and copper.
It increases the surface area of roots from 100 to 1000 times & provides better crop growth and yield.
It resists entry of pathogens and nematodes near plant roots.
It reduces symptoms incited by disease producing organisms and significantly lowers need of water and fertilizer. SFT/MP
Enhances uptake of applied fertilizer’s Nitrogen.
It also improves biological Nitrogen fixation of legume by improving nodule formation.
Creates resistance to entry of pathogens and controls the population of rhizosphere microorganisms.
Improves drought resistance.
Reduces symptoms incited by disease producing organisms.
Significantly lowers need of watering and fertilizer
It can be used for all Plants and Crops.
Fungi penetrate roots and also extend beyond the roots to absorb water and nutrients and deliver them to the plant roots. The filaments bind and aggregate soil particles. Colonies of fungi penetrate the cortical cells of roots of vascular plants and also extend far into the soil to absorb water and nutrients and deliver them directly from soil to the plant roots. Fungi excrete compounds that stimulate the plant to produce additional roots on which fungi can grow. The filaments of fungi retain moisture to bind and aggregate soil particles to improve physical soil conditions for more water infiltration, decreased surface run-off and increased water holding capacity.