Neem oil in Neemocure has a complex mixture of more than 140 biologically active compounds in organic form. It contains Terpenoids, Steroids, Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Glycosids etc. Active ingredients includes Azadirachtin, Isonimolicinolide, Nimbonin, Salanin, Azadirone, Nimbidinin, Nimbin, Nimbidin, Nimbinin, Nimbicetin, VepininVn, Meliantriol, Meldenin, Mahmoodin, Margosic Acid, Kaempeerol, Quercursertin, B-Sitosterol, Praisine, Vanilic Acid, Meliacins etc.
Multiple biologically active compounds work in natural synergy. Single molecules or extracts can never compete with nature’s wisdom. It interferes in the normal biochemical, physiological and metabolic process governing insect’s life cycle through its multiple biological properties (Anti Feedant, Repellent, Insect Growth Regulator, Oviposition Deterrent etc). Completely safe to non-target organisms like beneficial predators, fish, birds, cattle, honeybees and human beings.
Does not create resistance even with frequent use.
Cold Pressed Neem Oil
Cold Pressed Neem Oil for natural protection from all kinds of pests in crops.
100% effective with high quality.
Mixes well in water for easy dispersion and spray.
Contains over 140 natural active ingredients found in neem.
Highly recommended to use along with Silpot.
Important component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
All Crops
Mix with water (2 ml/ltr) and apply as foliar spray.
It can also be applied with other crop care products & growth promoters. Best result is derived if applied before infestation as preventive measure.