Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP is very effective broad spectrum systemic and contact fungicide with crops protective and curative action. It contains plant nutrients such as Zn & Mn, which are highly effective in improving vigor of crop. It can be used as foliar spray to control a wide range of fungal diseases in various crops. The product is also used for seed treatment.
Low dosage is enough for fighting and resisting the disease.
Spreads uniformly above the leaf surface and stays for a longer time over the leaf surface.
Keeps the leaf green and healthy and also enhances the yield.
Rapidly absorb formula for the plants, translocated easily inside whole body of plant. It remains effective in rain fastening.
Groundnut and Paddy
Carbendazim 12% + Mencozeb 63% WP (Wettable Powder) is an excellent contact fungicide which is effective, protective and curative in function. It is very much successful in the controlling of Leaf Spot and Rust disease of Groundnut and Blast disease of paddy crop.
700 gm / acre.
Guava, Jowar, and Tapioca crops to be omitted from approved usage.