DERACTIN is an azadiractin insecticide (0.03%) , with azardarictin contents as 300 ppm, formulated to provide broad spectrum insect control with very low environmental impact. NON-TOXIC to honeybees and many other beneficial insects. OMRI Listed for use in organic production.
Neem Seed Kernel EC Containing Azadiractin 300 PPM
This is useful for the control of fruit borer of tomato and fruit and shoot bore of Brinjal.
METHOD OF APPLICATION:- DIRACTIN is recommended as preventive measure for various pests, For best results it should be sprayed against insect pests in their egg or early larval stage, It is also effective against adult insects and provides biological control in Eco-friendly manner and is an ideal input for IPM, DIRECTIN may be mixed with most chemical pesticides, However avoid mixing with highly acidic or alkaline chemicals.