It is a hyperthyroid insecticide that is used as broad spectrum. It is used to control insect like Boll worm, Jassids,Thrips of cotton, Fruit and shoot borer of vegetable, Leaf folder, stem borer, green leaf hopper, Gall midge of Rice.
Laksh is a contact and systemic insecticide which is effective for the control of pests like bull worms, jassids, trips on cotton.
It is a synthetic hyperthyroid known for its quick knockdown action and is at present the best alternative to other S.P.S. against which pests have developed resistance.
It has insect repellent properties with little fumigant action.
CROPS - Cotton, Paddy, Brinjal, Tomato etc.
INSECTS AND DISEASES - Fruit flies, plant hoppers, Thrips, Jassid, Bollworms, leaf hopper, stem borer, gall midge, hispa, BPH, whorl maggot, shoot & fruit borer.