It is 100% natural and organic humic acid for maximum plant growth, biologically activated humic acid to boost plant performance, improves soil carbon content for enhanced plant growth, maximizes plant growth with organic bio stimulant humic acid, enhances plant performance with natural and organic humic acid, improve soil aeration and water holding capacity with humic acid. Growth Promoter, Plant Growth stimulator, Soil conditioner.
It supplements Humic and related acid to plant or soil.
Humic & related acid 12% Liquid
It acts as a growth stimulant by unlocking and /or chelating major & minor nutrients.
In the absence of chelates in the soil it acts as chelating agent
It acts as a catalyst and buffer against harsh conditions in the soil.
It serves as an osmoticum and helps against drought.
It helps in seed germination.
Effect on Soil
It stimulates soil microbial activity such as Azotobacter and Rhizobium It reduces soil erosion.
It increases water holding capacity & buffering property of soil .
It increases soil aeration
It improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil .
Effect on Plant
It helps in forming excellent growing conditions for roots & shoots.
It helps in elongation and overall development of the root system.
It encourages to retain water soluble inorganic fertilizer to root zones.
It enhances root respiration and development of root hairs .
It conserves moisture in both root and shoot and helps maintain turgidity.