SUPER Te multi-nutrient fertilizer has balanced all essential nutrients in chelated form, thereby increasing productivity and quality.
Constituent in Chelated form Zn - 5%, Mg - 2%, Mn - 0.5%, B - 0.25%, Protein Hydrolysate - 5%, S - 2%
SUPER Te also helps absorption of other nutrients and releases bound nutrients, making them available for use by the plant.
SUPER Te contains the three most important elements of a balanced fertilizer (Zn, Mn and B) in chelated form. This ensures that these nutrients are available for plant uptake, helping to increase yields, achieve higher quality crops, reduce losses from harvesting and extend the life of your fertilizer.
For the Golden Cup of Liquor.
Increases brightness & briskness of made Tea along with yield of crops.
Fluid nutrient compound to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
Effective supplement to soil applied nutrients.
It has low pH and buffers spray tank water.
Sequence of application is Water + Super Te + Pesticides.