AMRUTH PMC is an exclusive formulated liquid bio-fertilizer consisting of nutrients, proteins, plant growth and development.
Paddy requires more of Nitrogen Phosphorous & Potassium, supply to the plant so that the formulation is supplemented with an additional micro aerophilic bacteria such as Azospirillium sp which fixes atmospheric Nitrogen in water logged condition.
AMRUTH PMC increases plant growth and development because of better soil health and increases more filled spikelet's and crop yield.
Due to all the above mentioned beneficial factors the crop yield will increase by 10-20%.
Root treatment:- Mix 500 ml AMRUTH PMC in 1 liters of water, Dip the seedlings in this solution for 20-30 minutes before planting.
Soil treatment:- Mix 5 liters AMRUTH PMC with 300-400 kg of AMRUTH GOLD / FYM and apply before planting